Vanquish Studio

New Art on the Horizon

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Looking forward to May! Why? Well, I am a teacher and the end of May signals summer vacation so that is exciting. More importantly though, May brings Vanquish Studio’s signature event: Phoenix Fan Fusion!

This year should be even bigger and better and we have three new prints to debut. We have decided to retire Harley Quinn. We have had that same Harley Quinn since the start  of our showings in 2013. We need to update our selection. The Suicide Squad Harley is on the way. Another fan favorite that is going to be retired is Batman. I’ve loved that one but it is time that a new Dark Knight protect chibi-Gotham. Armored Batman will be the replacement which should be a lot of fun to draw. And finally, you already know that we sold out of our last Groot so we decided to make Baby Groot! He is just too cute not to do and I’ve already done the inks.

There you have it, three new prints for Phoenix Fan Fusion. Join Vanquish Studio’s journey towards the Fusion Zone has begun!


Author: Rebecca S

I am an artist and an art teacher. I teach at a Title I school which has it's own set of challenges. I graduated from the University of Arizona and I currently live in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I have a Master's degree in curriculum and technology. In my leisure, I enjoy swimming, mountain biking, nature photography, and making goofy videos.

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