Vanquish Studio

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Baby Groot for Phoenix Con 2019!

Well, I sold out, yes SOLD OUT! of the first edition Groot. Thank you to EVERYONE who bought a print and made that run a success. So, as true Vanquish Studio fashion, there is a different edition for the new year. Ever since the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie came out (which I really liked), it seems as though everyone just LOVES Baby Groot. And what’s not to love? An adorable little plant that is just too cute even for his captors! I finished the pencils for a new Groot during the Tucson Comic Con and my business partner liked it so much she told me to scan it and color it. OKAY! Here is a sneak peek of the inks. The generic gradient background is just for showing the inks. I’m going to color this one very carefully! Comment and let me know what you think!!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from Vanquish Studio
