Vanquish Studio

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New Coloring Page – Black Widow! Stay Safe Indoors (Don’t Spread, Color Instead)

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus we are all working to stop the spread. If you are stuck indoors like I am (although I’m not complaining) you may want something to pass the time. I’m releasing a more-than-usual schedule of coloring pages this month to help with potential boredom. I have so many different versions that I’ve drawn over the years its amazing to see the progress as I re-release these oldies but goodies.


I’m so happy to see Scarlett Johansson back as Black Widow. When her character died in Avengers: Endgame to get the Soul Stone I was pretty upset. I don’t see too many strong female characters in the movies.

I created this print of Black Widow way back when the Age of Ultron movie came out, about five years ago. I’m contemplating redrawing this print for the new Black Widow movie. Let me know what you think?

Black Widow Coloring page