Vanquish Studio

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New Coloring Page – Rey!

The Tucson Comic Con is right around the corner and I need to get going on my new Rey. Well I finished the inks which means a new coloring page for everyone! This one is going to be colored and made into a print for the con. Enjoy!



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Working on a New Rey

Star Wars is by far the better franchise between Star Wars and Star Trek BUT they did make episodes 1, 2, and 3 which are not the greatest and should be burned! Luckily, Disney made The Force Awakens which was considerably better than the first three combined. I’m old school so I like episodes 4, 5, and 6 which were the originals. The technology in those early movies is so outdated! I still love A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back (the BEST in the series) and Return of the Jedi even with all that outdated tech. This year we get the last of the movies that hand over the mantle to the new actors of the franchise and say goodbye to Princess Leia officially.

For the Tucson Comic con I’m working on a new print of Rey. Here is what I have so far. I like the pose and the facial features. I’m moving away from drawing the pure comic character and trying to make the image resemble the actress. I think I may ink this one and make it a coloring page as well as a new print.
