Vanquish Studio

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Ideas for Prints?

These are the first 10 prints available online through our Etsy shop which means I have to come up with some new stuff.

So far I’ve gotten suggestions for a new Harley and Joker (although I already have Arkham Asylum Harley and Joker) those two are a hot item. I’ve also had a few requests for a new Aquaman. Do you have an idea for a new print? Let me know in the comments!

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Wonder Woman

At this year’s Phoenix Comicon I was asked several times if I had a Wonder Woman print. Actually I did have one but it was left on my computer! I didn’t have it printed This upcom0ing con I will not make that mistake again. At the Tucson Comicon I’m gong to unveilĀ  my new Wonder Woman print!


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Wonder Woman

Well the Long Beach Comic Expo and the Phoenix Comicon have come and gone. What was missing? My Wonder Woman print! I was going to have her printed up but I just didn’t feel right about the look of the print. I know I’m being difficult with my art (artists are never satisfied with their work) but I didn’t like to lasso of truth. I think I made it with too many flourishes. Anyway, this is my Wonder Woman BUT she is being re-worked.WW