Vanquish Studio

STAR WARS Coloring Page – Darth Vader

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A few days ago I released Darth Maul who, I think, was a pretty awesome sith lord. The first, the best, the baddest, the sith lord to define all sith lord’s however, is Darth Vader! I think he was the best villain of the Star Wars franchise. I must qualify that statement and say that I liked episodes 4, 5, and 6. I think Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker could have been a little more powerful of a performance.

I must enjoy coloring on the dark side of the force because so far I’ve released two sith lords. Hmmm, maybe I need to find a Jedi master. Next, real

Until then, May the Coloring Be With You!

Darth Vader Coloring page


Do you have an idea for a Star Wars character to color? Greedo? Cad Bane? Han Solo? Princess Leia? BB8? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Author: Rebecca S

I am an artist and an art teacher. I teach at a Title I school which has it's own set of challenges. I graduated from the University of Arizona and I currently live in the Phoenix metropolitan area. I have a Master's degree in curriculum and technology. In my leisure, I enjoy swimming, mountain biking, nature photography, and making goofy videos.

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