Vanquish Studio

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Here is an Oldie, but a Goodie that I May be re-doing as a Newbie??? (Don’t Spread, Color Instead)

This is an original, ORIGINAL, print that I took with me to the Tucson Comic Con in 2012. Eight years ago was the start. I had nine prints that I had done at a chain-copy store (I know). The paper quality was admittedly poor. I sold out of everything except one design, but I only had 4 left of that one so not bad. It was crazy. That was the first time I had experimented with drawing comic book characters in chibi style. People really responded positively so I kept drawing in that style, although I think mine is more of a chibi-fusion style because I’m influenced by American-style comics.

A VERY early version of Captain America (circa 2012)!

Captain America2 Coloring page
